The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies).
Global Eye in dialogue:
In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
(1) Martin Borowiecki (OCSE) scrive a proposito del Green Deal europeo e suggerisce quattro vie per ridurre le emissioni in modo più efficace ed equo
Martin Borowiecki (OECD) writes about the European Green Deal and suggests four ways to reduce emissions more effectively and equitably
Accelerating the EU’s green transition – ECOSCOPE (
(2) Carbon Brief scrive dei risultati deludenti dell’ultima asta del governo britannico che ha assicurato solo un terzo della capacità di energia rinnovabile rispetto allo scorso anno. Carbon Brief pone il problema del raggiungimento dell’obiettivo governativo di 50 GW di capacità eolica offshore entro il 2030 e di una rete completamente decarbonizzata entro il 2035
Carbon Brief writes about the disappointing results of the UK government’s latest auction, which secured only a third as much renewable energy capacity as last year. Carbon Brief raises the issue of achieving the government’s target of 50 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030 and a fully decarbonised grid by 2035
(3) Carbon Brief scrive dell’accordo JETP (Just Energy Transition Partnership) siglato a giugno 2023 dal Senegal con Francia, Germania, Canada e Unione Europea. L’obiettivo, per il Paese africano, è di raggiungere il 40% di energie rinnovabili nel mix elettrico entro il 2030
Carbon Brief writes about the JETP (Just Energy Transition Partnership) agreement signed in June 2023 by Senegal with France, Germany, Canada and the European Union. The goal, for the African country, is to reach 40 per cent renewable energy in the electricity mix by 2030
Guest post: Behind the scenes at Senegal’s ‘just energy transition partnership’ – Carbon Brief
(4) Conrad Duncan (Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment-Imperial College) scrive di un lavoro dell’Imperial College per misurare l’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico in oltre 100 abitazioni della zona ovest di Londra
Conrad Duncan (Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment-Imperial College) writes about work by Imperial College to measure exposure to air pollution in over 100 homes in west London
(5) Conor McNally (Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment-Imperial College) scrive che la Faraday Institution (il più importante centro di ricerca in UK sull’accumulo di energia elettrochimica) finanzia con 19 milioni di sterline per quattro progetti di batterie
Conor McNally (Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment-Imperial College) writes that the Faraday Institution (the UK’s leading research centre on electrochemical energy storage) is funding four battery projects with £19 million
£19m investment to drive innovative battery research | Imperial News | Imperial College London
(6) Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment-Imperial College scrive delle grandi opportunità dell’energia solare ibrida per contribuire a una ulteriore riduzione delle emissioni globali
Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment-Imperial College writes about the great opportunities of hybrid solar energy to contribute to a further reduction of global emissions
Laura Alfers (OCSE) scrive sulla necessità di un rinnovato dialogo sociale per rappresentare e proteggere i lavoratori informali
Laura Alfers (OECD) writes on the need for renewed social dialogue to represent and protect informal workers
Amin Saikal (ASPI The Strategist) scrive della involuzione dell’Afghanistan talebano e del suo percorso dall’11 settembre a oggi
Amin Saikal (ASPI The Strategist) writes about the involution of Taliban Afghanistan and its path from 11 September to today
Afghanistan, the Taliban and the legacy of 9/11 | The Strategist (
Georgie Skipper (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive della necessità rafforzi gli investimenti nell’area dei Paesi ASEAN che, come nota l’Autore, insieme rappresentano la quinta economia mondiale. Skipper segnala il rapporto ‘Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040’
Georgie Skipper (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the need to boost investment in the ASEAN countries, which, as the author notes, together represent the world’s fifth largest economy. Skipper points to the report ‘Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040’
Ian Hall (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive della rilevanza del G20 indiano soprattutto per alcuni risultati raggiunti da Nuova Delhi, senza la presenza di Pechino: accordo con Unione Europea, Arabia Saudita, Emirati Arabi Uniti e Stati Uniti per il Corridoio economico India-Medio Oriente-Europa che collega l’India al Golfo e oltre; la Global Biofuel Alliance, lanciata da Modi insieme ai leader di Argentina, Bangladesh, Brasile, Italia, Mauritius, Singapore e Stati Uniti, che mira a sviluppare e promuovere biocarburanti sostenibili; accordo tra il gruppo IBSA (India, Brasile e Sudafrica) per lavorare con gli Stati Uniti sulla riforma delle banche multilaterali di sviluppo
Ian Hall (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the relevance of the Indian G20 especially for some of New Delhi’s achievements without Beijing’s presence: agreement with the European Union, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States on the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor linking India to the Gulf and beyond; the Global Biofuel Alliance, launched by Modi together with leaders from Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Italy, Mauritius, Singapore and the United States, which aims to develop and promote sustainable biofuels; agreement between the IBSA group (India, Brazil and South Africa) to work with the United States on reforming multilateral development banks
India pushes China to the margins of the G20 | Lowy Institute
Radhey Tambi (East Asia Forum) scrive di come l’India possa diventare attore geostrategico decisivo in Asia Meridionale. Tambi scrive della competizione tra Nuova Delhi e Pechino e della necessità per l’India di rafforzare la partnership con Washington
Radhey Tambi (East Asia Forum) writes about how India can become a decisive geostrategic player in South Asia. Tambi writes about the competition between New Delhi and Beijing and the need for India to strengthen its partnership with Washington
India pushes back against China’s economic influence | East Asia Forum
John West (East Asia Forum) scrive dell’opportunità per l’Indonesia di entrare nel club dei Paesi OCSE. In Asia, sarebbe il terzo Paese dopo Corea del Sud e Giappone
John West (East Asia Forum) writes about the opportunity for Indonesia to join the club of OECD countries. In Asia, it would be the third country after South Korea and Japan
Indonesia’s quest to join the OECD and become a high-income country | East Asia Forum
James Chin (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive della Malesia e delle tre visioni per il suo futuro. Il Paese, nota Chin, dopo 60 anni di federazione, è ancora alla ricerca di identità e unità nazionale
James Chin (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about Malaysia and the three visions for its future. The country, Chin notes, after 60 years of federation, is still searching for national identity and unity
Malaysia at 60: One country, three visions | Lowy Institute