Geostrategic magazine (it-en, 30 august 2023)

The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies). 

The analyses recalled here do not necessarily correspond to the strategic thinking of The Global Eye

In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine




(European Council on Foreign Relations)

Mats Engström nota come i Paesi del BRICS cerchino di guadagnare posizioni strategiche nelle catene del valore globali

Mats Engström notes how BRICS countries seek to gain strategic positions in global value chains

The BRICS summit and Europe’s China challenge: A better EU offer for the global south | ECFR


(Observer Research Foundation)

Sohini Bose descrive le attività sottomarine cinesi nel Golfo del Bengala e le conseguenze per l’India

Sohini Bose describes Chinese submarine activities in the Bay of Bengal and the consequences for India

China’s submarine activities in the Bay of Bengal: Considerations for India | ORF (


(European Council on Foreign Relations)

José Ignacio Torreblanca scrive che l’Europa dovrebbe passare dalla ricerca dell’autonomia strategica (strategia reattiva) all’interdipendenza strategica (strategia proattiva)

José Ignacio Torreblanca writes that Europe should move from the pursuit of strategic autonomy (reactive strategy) to strategic interdependence (proactive strategy)

Onwards and outwards: Why the EU needs to move from strategic autonomy to strategic interdependence | ECFR


(Carnegie Europe)

Judy Dempsey sottolinea come, al di là di chi vincerà le elezioni americane nel 2024, l’Europa deve lavorare strategicamente sulla propria sicurezza

Judy Dempsey points out that, regardless of who wins the US elections in 2024, Europe must work strategically on its security

The War in Ukraine Is About Europe’s Future – Carnegie Europe – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

(European Council on Foreign Relations) 

Marie Dumoulin sottolinea la necessità di una strategia europea per la Russia, al di là della guerra in corso in Ucraina

Marie Dumoulin emphasises the need for a European strategy for Russia, beyond the ongoing war in Ukraine

One step beyond: Why the EU needs a Russia strategy | ECFR


(Observer Research Foundation) 

Sana Hashmi, in un report, descrive le relazioni tra India e Taiwan e offre raccomandazioni politiche per il futuro della partnership

Sana Hashmi, in a report, describes the relationship between India and Taiwan and offers policy recommendations for the future of the partnership

The Role of Commercial Ties in Advancing India-Taiwan Relations | ORF (


(Carnegie Middle East Center) 

Michael Young riflette se l’ideale levantino (partendo dall’esempio di alcune città), pur in ambienti di scontro identitario, possa rappresentare una modalità di passaggio verso orizzonti post-nazionalistici, soprattutto in alcune zone del Medio Oriente

Michael Young reflects on whether the Levantine ideal (using the example of certain cities), even in environments of identity clashes, can represent a way of moving towards post-nationalist horizons, especially in certain parts of the Middle East

Back to a Levantine Future? – Carnegie Middle East Center – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (


(ASPI The Strategist)

Yoon Young-kwan analizza, dopo l’incontro trilaterale di Camp David tra USA, Corea del Sud e Giappone, la direzione della geopolitica dell’Asia nordorientale

Yoon Young-kwan analyses, after the Camp David trilateral meeting between the US, South Korea and Japan, the direction of North East Asian geopolitics

Deterrence is not enough in Northeast Asia | The Strategist (


(Institut Montaigne)

Michel Duclos si interroga, dopo la morte di Yevgeny Prigozhin, sulla natura del regime russo e sulle possibili evoluzioni

Michel Duclos questions, after the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the nature of the Russian regime and possible developments

Le crash de Prigojine, le Tsar Vladimir et le Don Poutine | Institut Montaigne


(RAND Corporation)

Derek Grossman analizza il ruolo dell’India nel quadro della competizione strategica tra USA e Cina nell’Asia meridionale

Derek Grossman analyses India’s role in the strategic competition between the US and China in South Asia

India Is Pushing Back Against China in South Asia | RAND


(Observer Research Foundation) 

Prithvi Gupta approfondisce le trasformazioni dei rapporti di forza nell’area del Pacifico meridionale con particolare attenzione al ruolo della Nuova Zelanda, nel bilanciamento tra i rapporti con la Cina e la cooperazione in materia di sicurezza con l’Occidente

Prithvi Gupta takes an in-depth look at the changing power relations in the South Pacific with a focus on New Zealand’s role in balancing relations with China and security cooperation with the West

Wellington’s strategic recalibration for a changing South Pacific region | ORF (


(ASPI The Strategist) 

Melissa Conley Tyler, Anders Hofstee e Kara Chesal descrivono la sfida strategica di Timor Est per una trasformazione digitale inclusiva. Quando, il mese scorso, il ministro degli Esteri australiano Penny Wong ha visitato Dili, uno dei progetti che ha evidenziato è stato il cavo sottomarino Timor-Leste Sud

Melissa Conley Tyler, Anders Hofstee and Kara Chesal describe Timor-Leste’s strategic challenge for inclusive digital transformation. When Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong visited Dili last month, one of the projects she highlighted was the Timor-Leste South submarine cable

Preparing for digital transformation in Timor-Leste | The Strategist (



Niclas Poiters analizza in maniera critica i risultati dell’United States Inflation Reduction Act e del CHIPS and Science Act, provvedimenti simbolo dell’Amministrazione Biden

Niclas Poiters critically analyses the results of the United States Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act, landmark measures of the Biden Administration

The manufacturing jobs boom that isn’t (

(RAND Corporation)

Christopher Paul, William Marcellino, Michael Skerker, Jeremy Davis, Bradley J. Strawser approfondiscono, in un report, come condurre operazioni di influenza in modo etico

Christopher Paul, William Marcellino, Michael Skerker, Jeremy Davis, Bradley J. Strawser elaborate, in a report, on how to conduct influence operations ethically

Planning Ethical Influence Operations: A Framework for Defense Information Professionals | RAND

(The Japan Institute of International Affairs)

Naoko Funatsu analizza le elezioni presidenziali americane del 2024 da tre prospettive

Naoko Funatsu analyses the 2024 US presidential election from three perspectives

The Japan Institute of International Affairs (


(Center for Strategic & International Studies)

Gracelin Baskaran sottolinea l’importanza per gli USA di rafforzare la partnership con l’ Africa per implementare la propria strategia di approvvigionamento di materiali critici

Gracelin Baskaran emphasises the importance for the US to strengthen its partnership with Africa to implement its critical materials supply strategy

Prospects for U.S. Minerals Engagement with Africa (


(East Asia Forum) 

Christina Knight nota come i controlli sulle esportazioni introdotti dagli USA il 7 ottobre 2022 per limitare lo sviluppo dell’industria dei semiconduttori di Pechino potrebbero non raggiungere gli obiettivi attesi

Christina Knight notes how the export controls introduced by the US on 7 October 2022 to limit the development of Beijing’s semiconductor industry may not achieve the expected goals

US chip sanctions may not be enough to deter China’s military ambitions | East Asia Forum


(ASPI The Strategist) 

Euan Graham descrive i risultati del primo incontro trilaterale tra USA, Corea del Sud e Giappone e le prospettive operative rispetto alle risposte alle sfide regionali, alle provocazioni e alle minacce

Euan Graham describes the results of the first trilateral meeting between the US, South Korea and Japan and the operational perspectives with respect to responses to regional challenges, provocations and threats

Biden’s trilateral breakthrough at Camp David | The Strategist (


(Fortune – Peterson Institute for International Economics)

Alan Wolff critica l’approccio di Donald Trump, nel precedente mandato presidenziale e nella possibilità di un secondo, di imposizione di importanti tariffe sulle importazioni. L’Autore ricorda come, dal 1950, il commercio mondiale sia cresciuto di quasi 400 volte; nel 2022, 32.000 miliardi di dollari di scambi hanno attraversato l’economia globale

Alan Wolff criticises Donald Trump’s approach, in the previous presidential term and in the possibility of a second, of imposing major tariffs on imports. The author recalls how, since 1950, world trade has grown almost 400-fold; in 2022, $32 trillion of trade flowed through the global economy

Trump is gearing up for the Second Trade War. Congress tried something similar in the 1930s–and it didn’t end well | Fortune



Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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