Geostrategic magazine (it-en, 31 august 2023)

The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies). 

In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine




(1) Jennifer Layke e Alex Dolan (World Resources Institute) scrivono della necessità di una profonda innovazione sociale per una giusta transizione verso un’economia dell’energia pulita

Jennifer Layke and Alex Dolan (World Resources Institute) write about the need for profound social innovation for a just transition to a clean energy economy

6 Conversations About the Energy Transition | World Resources Institute (

(2) Wanjira Mathai e Rebekah Shirley (World Resources Institute) riflettono sull’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici in Africa e sul prossimo Africa Climate Summit che si terrà in Kenya la prossima settimana

Wanjira Mathai and Rebekah Shirley (World Resources Institute) reflect on the impact of climate change in Africa and on the upcoming Africa Climate Summit in Kenya next week

World Resources Institute | What to Know About the Africa Climate Summit (

(3) Borge Brende e Anish Shah (The Hindustan Times) scrivono della necessità che l’India diventi player globale nella lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici

Borge Brende and Anish Shah (The Hindustan Times) write about the need for India to become a global player in the fight against climate change

How India’s climate leadership is building a better future for all – Hindustan Times

(4) Un report di Asian Development Bank Institute affronta il tema della progettazione e della governance delle città nel mondo post-Covid. Alla ricerca di un rapporto armonioso tra espansione urbana e conservazione dell’ambiente

A report by the Asian Development Bank Institute addresses the design and governance of cities in the post-Covid world. In search of a harmonious relationship between urban sprawl and environmental conservation

Rethinking Cities for Resilience and Growth in the Post-COVID-19 World | Asian Development Bank (

(5) Rispetto ai cambiamenti climatici, un report dell’Asian Development Bank Institute approfondisce il tema di come migliorare l’efficienza energetica del raffreddamento

With respect to climate change, a report by the Asian Development Bank Institute takes a closer look at how to improve the energy efficiency of cooling

Cooling Efficiency Improvement | Asian Development Bank (

(6) Un report di Asian Development Bank Institute introduce, con particolare riferimento alla produzione di riso in Asia, il concetto di multifunzionalità per rendere più sostenibili e resilienti le attività dei piccoli agricoltori nei Paesi in via di sviluppo

A report by the Asian Development Bank Institute introduces, with particular reference to rice production in Asia, the concept of multifunctionality to make the activities of small farmers in developing countries more sustainable and resilient

Multifunctionality of Rice Production Systems in Asia: A Synoptic Review | Asian Development Bank (



Anwesha Ghosh (Vivekananda International Foundation) descrive la geopolitica dell’ Afghanistan settentrionale

Anwesha Ghosh (Vivekananda International Foundation) describes the geopolitics of northern Afghanistan

Is a Demographic Shift underway in Northern Afghanistan? | Vivekananda International Foundation (


David Uren (ASPI The Strategist) scrive della crisi economica cinese e dei suoi impatti, per ora limitati, sull’Australia, il più esposto tra i Paesi avanzati. In generale, secondo l’Autore, la flessione cinese non avrà conseguenze preoccupanti per l’Occidente

David Uren (ASPI The Strategist) writes about the Chinese economic downturn and its, for now, limited impact on Australia, the most exposed of the advanced countries. In general, according to the author, the Chinese downturn will not have worrying consequences for the West

Is China’s economy about to go bust? | The Strategist (


Il Center for Strategic & International Studies riporta i contenuti di una conversazione con il Presidente del Costarica Rodrigo Chaves

The Center for Strategic & International Studies reports the contents of a conversation with Costa Rican President Rodrigo Chaves

A Conversation with Costa Rican President Rodrigo Chaves (


Tom de Waal (Carnegie Europe) scrive della complicata situazione politica in Georgia, dei legami con la Russia e delle vicinanze con Ungheria, Turchia e Azerbaigian. Sullo sfondo vi è la partita dell’ottenimento, da parte della Georgia, dello status di candidato per l’ingresso nell’Unione Europea

Tom de Waal (Carnegie Europe) writes about the complicated political situation in Georgia, the ties with Russia and the proximity with Hungary, Turkey and Azerbaijan. In the background is the game of Georgia obtaining candidate status for entry into the European Union

The Orbanizing of Georgia – Carnegie Europe – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Kari A. Bingen (Center for Strategic & International Studies) riflette sul recente allunaggio dell’India e sull’ascesa di New Delhi come potenza spaziale

Kari A. Bingen (Center for Strategic & International Studies) reflects on India’s recent moon landing and the rise of New Delhi as a space power

Another Leap Forward: India’s Historic Moon Landing and the Space Competition Underway (


Karim Mezran (Atlantic Council) nota come le recenti dichiarazioni del ministro degli Esteri israeliano sulla possibilità di rafforzare i rapporti con la Libia, dopo un incontro tenutosi a Roma, abbiano incendiato il clima nel Paese nordafricano

Karim Mezran (Atlantic Council) notes how recent statements by the Israeli foreign minister on the possibility of strengthening relations with Libya, following a meeting in Rome, have set the climate in the North African country on fire

Israel, Libya, and Italy were just reminded that diplomacy requires more than diplomats – Atlantic Council


(1) Colette Mortreux (East Asia Forum) scrive dell’impatto dei cambiamenti climatici, nell’area del Pacifico, su mezzi di sussistenza, sicurezza alimentare, salute e migrazioni

Colette Mortreux (East Asia Forum) writes about the impact of climate change in the Pacific on livelihoods, food security, health and migration

Migration, evidence and climate change in the Pacific | East Asia Forum

(2) Anna Naupa (The Interpreter) nota come la sicurezza culturale, intesa in senso complesso, rappresenti il più grave problema delle popolazioni delle isole del Pacifico minacciate dai cambiamenti climatici

Anna Naupa (The Interpreter) notes how cultural security, understood in a complex sense, is the most serious problem of Pacific Island populations threatened by climate change

Cultural security in the Pacific: Why it matters for regional security | Lowy Institute


Andrey Pertsev (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) approfondisce il ruolo dei gruppi radicali in Russia. L’Autore sostiene che tali gruppi, non forze ideologicamente coese, non rappresentino una minaccia per Putin

Andrey Pertsev (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) delves into the role of radical groups in Russia. The author argues that these groups, not ideologically cohesive forces, do not pose a threat to Putin

Prigozhin’s Death Shows Ultra-Patriots Are No Threat to the Kremlin – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Noah Berman (Council on Foreign Relations) riflette sulle conseguenze delle restrizioni di Washington verso Pechino, dell’opportunità di allargarle ad altri settori (oltre alla protezione delle tecnologie critiche per la sicurezza nazionale) e dei rischi a essa collegati

Noah Berman (Council on Foreign Relations) reflects on the consequences of Washington’s restrictions on Beijing, the appropriateness of extending them to other areas (besides the protection of critical technologies for national security), and the risks involved

President Biden Has Banned Some U.S. Investment in China. Here’s What to Know. | Council on Foreign Relations (


Daniel Sneider (East Asia Forum) approfondisce i contenuti e le prospettive del recente vertice di Camp David tra Stati Uniti, Giappone e Corea del Sud. Le grandi prospettive di partnership dichiarate, nota l’Autore, possono scontrarsi con le difficoltà interne nei tre Paesi

Daniel Sneider (East Asia Forum) delves into the contents and prospects of the recent Camp David summit between the US, Japan and South Korea. The great partnership prospects declared, notes the author, may clash with internal difficulties in the three countries

Japan–South Korea–US relations thawed, but not warm enough | East Asia Forum

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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