Geostrategic magazine (it-en-fr, 4 july 2023 pm)

Vintage, Bussola, Navigazione

L’Australia deve considerare strategicamente il valore dei piccoli partner insulari del Pacifico. Il governo australiano sta lavorando per integrare meglio il clima nella sua strategia di sicurezza regionale. Le Maldive e l’Australia possono lavorare per sviluppare una narrativa sulla sicurezza reciproca (David Brewster e Athaulla (“Atho”) Rasheed, Lowy The Interpreter) (1).

La partnership strategica tra Australia e Indonesia, sostenuta dai reciproci interessi, deve guardare alla cooperazione economica, climatica e di sicurezza. Ci sono differenze nel modo in cui i due Paesi considerano le tensioni tra Stati Uniti e Cina (Ryan Neelam, Lowy The Interpreter) (2).

L’India ha un forte interesse strategico nella ricerca e nella produzione di semiconduttori. Sullo sfondo vi sono la recente visita di Modi a Washington, i rapporti con Taiwan e la relazione con Pechino (Jagannath Panda, The National Interest) (3).

L’idrogeno può essere l’energia del futuro. Mentre dal punto di vista tecnologico non vi sembrano essere problemi particolari, permangono ostacoli politici all’idrogeno come tecnologia energetica verde nel 21° secolo. Ciò è altrettanto vero per gli Stati del Golfo. Le politiche, la legislazione, la produzione e le infrastrutture adottate dagli Stati del Gulf Corporation Council saranno cruciali per plasmare il ruolo dell’idrogeno nei prossimi anni (Achref Chibani, Lowy The Interpreter) (4).

La partita strategica da parte di OPEC+, di ristabilire la propria influenza sul mercato petrolifero globale, è da osservare con attenzione. L’Arabia Saudita ha dimostrato ancora una volta di essere il principale leader del cartello e di essere pronta ad assumersi la responsabilità delle decisioni prese. Le possibilità che OPEC+ vinca questa battaglia sono ancora poco chiare perché molti fattori che determinano i prezzi del petrolio sono fuori dal controllo del cartello. I prossimi due o tre mesi saranno decisivi (Nikolay Kozhanov, Middle East Institute) (5).

Lo sviluppo dell’energia nucleare pacifica è un obiettivo dell’Arabia Saudita. Washington vorrebbe negoziare con Riyadh un accordo simile a quello con gli Emirati Arabi Uniti del 2009, che garantisce la cooperazione degli Stati Uniti in cambio del divieto di arricchimento e di riprocessamento del combustibile (Bilal Y. Saab e Chen Zak Kane, Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists) (6).

La Serbia è l’unico Paese dell’area europea a mantenere un rapporto con la Russia: è importante la memoria storica come fatto politico. E’ fragile l’equilibrio tra le aspirazioni strategiche della Serbia verso l’Unione Europea e il legame con Mosca (Oleg Barabanov, Valdai Discussion Club) (7).

Il porto di Vladivostok è d’interesse strategico sia per la Cina che per l’India (Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, RIAC) (8).

La complicata situazione politica in Venezuela, i rapporti con gli Stati Uniti, le mosse dell’Amministrazione Biden verso il Presidente Maduro: pur potendo agire su alcune leve importanti, come l’alleggerimento delle sanzioni, Washington non sembra avere una strategia per utilizzare tali strumenti al fine della ridemocratizzazione (Michael McCarthy, The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune) (9).

Per affrontare le sfide della produzione e della sicurezza alimentare in Africa, il G20 dovrebbe concentrarsi su cinque linee prioritarie di azione: qualità del suolo, gestione dell’acqua, fertilizzanti, sementi di qualità e cambiamenti climatici (Eliud Moyi, SAIIA) (10).

L’iniziativa del PM indiano Modi di rendere l’Unione Africana membro a pieno titolo e permanente del G20 è questione strategica. Si tratta di una grande opportunità per l’Africa di amplificare la propria voce nella governance economica globale. Per costruire tale opportunità occorre costruire capacità tecniche e meccanismi decisionali che consentano una partecipazione significativa (Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, SAIIA) (11).

Il  think tank SIPRI riflette sul fatto che, nei prossimi due decenni, avremo un mondo più complesso, multipolare e meno occidentale, in cui cresceranno le connessioni regionali piuttosto che quelle globali. Quale impatto avrà questo scenario sull’Africa ? (12).

Occorre una Task Force del G20 sulle azioni integrate per il clima, necessaria per mappare e registrare le ricerche, le decisioni e le risorse delle presidenze e dei gruppi di lavoro in un insieme coeso per unificare, semplificare e amplificare gli impatti dell’agenda del G20 in materia di sviluppo economico-clima, per accelerare la creazione di posti di lavoro, crescita e sostenibilità (Shuva Raha, Prayank Jain, Kinshu Dang e Axel Nordenstam, T20) (13).

English version

Australia needs to strategically consider the value of small Pacific Island partners. The Australian government is working to better integrate climate into its regional security strategy. The Maldives and Australia can work to develop a mutual security narrative (David Brewster and Athaulla (‘Atho’) Rasheed, Lowy The Interpreter) (1).

The strategic partnership between Australia and Indonesia, underpinned by mutual interests, must look at economic, climate and security cooperation. There are differences in how the two countries view the tensions between the US and China (Ryan Neelam, Lowy The Interpreter) (2).

India has a strong strategic interest in semiconductor research and production. In the background are Modi’s recent visit to Washington, relations with Taiwan and the relationship with Beijing (Jagannath Panda, The National Interest) (3).

Hydrogen may be the energy of the future. While technologically there seem to be no particular problems, there remain political obstacles to hydrogen as a green energy technology in the 21st century. This is equally true for the Gulf States. The policies, legislation, production and infrastructure adopted by the Gulf Corporation Council states will be crucial in shaping the role of hydrogen in the coming years (Achref Chibani, Lowy The Interpreter) (4).

The strategic game on the part of OPEC+, to re-establish its influence in the global oil market, must be watched carefully. Saudi Arabia has shown once again that it is the main leader of the cartel and that it is ready to take responsibility for its decisions. The chances of OPEC+ winning this battle are still unclear because many factors that determine oil prices are outside the cartel’s control. The next two to three months will be decisive (Nikolay Kozhanov, Middle East Institute) (5).

The development of peaceful nuclear energy is a goal of Saudi Arabia. Washington would like to negotiate with Riyadh an agreement similar to the one with the United Arab Emirates in 2009, which guarantees US cooperation in exchange for a ban on fuel enrichment and reprocessing (Bilal Y. Saab and Chen Zak Kane, Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists) (6).

Serbia is the only country in the European area that maintains a relationship with Russia: historical memory as a political fact is important. The balance between Serbia’s strategic aspirations towards the European Union and the link with Moscow is fragile (Oleg Barabanov, Valdai Discussion Club) (7).

The port of Vladivostok is of strategic interest to both China and India (Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, RIAC) (8).

The complicated political situation in Venezuela, the relations with the United States, the Biden Administration’s moves towards President Maduro: although it can act on some important levers, such as the easing of sanctions, Washington does not seem to have a strategy to use these instruments for redemocratisation (Michael McCarthy, The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune) (9).

To address the challenges of food production and food security in Africa, the G20 should focus on five priority lines of action: soil quality, water management, fertilisers, quality seeds and climate change (Eliud Moyi, SAIIA) (10).

Indian PM Modi’s initiative to make the African Union a full and permanent member of the G20 is a strategic issue. It is a great opportunity for Africa to amplify its voice in global economic governance. Building this opportunity requires building technical capacity and decision-making mechanisms that allow for meaningful participation (Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, SAIIA) (11).

The SIPRI think tank reflects on the fact that, in the next two decades, we will have a more complex, multipolar and less Western world, in which regional rather than global connections will grow. What impact will this scenario have on Africa? (12).

A G20 Task Force on Integrated Climate Action is needed to map and record the research, decisions and resources of the chairs and working groups into a cohesive whole to unify, streamline and amplify the impacts of the G20 climate-economic development agenda to accelerate job creation, growth and sustainability (Shuva Raha, Prayank Jain, Kinshu Dang and Axel Nordenstam, T20) (13).

Version française

L’Australie doit prendre en compte de manière stratégique la valeur de ses petits partenaires insulaires du Pacifique. Le gouvernement australien s’efforce de mieux intégrer le climat dans sa stratégie de sécurité régionale. Les Maldives et l’Australie peuvent travailler à l’élaboration d’un récit de sécurité mutuelle (David Brewster et Athaulla (“Atho”) Rasheed, Lowy The Interpreter) (1).

Le partenariat stratégique entre l’Australie et l’Indonésie, étayé par des intérêts mutuels, doit porter sur la coopération économique, climatique et sécuritaire. Il existe des différences dans la manière dont les deux pays perçoivent les tensions entre les États-Unis et la Chine (Ryan Neelam, Lowy The Interpreter) (2).

L’Inde a un intérêt stratégique fort dans la recherche et la production de semi-conducteurs. En toile de fond, la récente visite de Modi à Washington, les relations avec Taiwan et les relations avec Pékin (Jagannath Panda, The National Interest) (3).

L’hydrogène pourrait être l’énergie du futur. Si, d’un point de vue technologique, il ne semble pas y avoir de problèmes particuliers, il reste des obstacles politiques à l’utilisation de l’hydrogène en tant que technologie énergétique verte au XXIe siècle. Cela vaut également pour les États du Golfe. Les politiques, la législation, la production et l’infrastructure adoptées par les États du Conseil de la Corporation du Golfe seront déterminantes pour le rôle de l’hydrogène dans les années à venir (Achref Chibani, Lowy The Interpreter) (4).

Le jeu stratégique de l’OPEP+, qui vise à rétablir son influence sur le marché mondial du pétrole, doit être surveillé de près. L’Arabie saoudite a montré une fois de plus qu’elle était le principal leader du cartel et qu’elle était prête à assumer la responsabilité de ses décisions. Les chances de l’OPEP+ de remporter cette bataille sont encore incertaines, car de nombreux facteurs qui déterminent les prix du pétrole échappent au contrôle du cartel. Les deux ou trois prochains mois seront décisifs (Nikolay Kozhanov, Middle East Institute) (5).

Le développement de l’énergie nucléaire pacifique est un objectif de l’Arabie saoudite. Washington souhaiterait négocier avec Riyad un accord similaire à celui conclu avec les Émirats arabes unis en 2009, qui garantit la coopération des États-Unis en échange d’une interdiction de l’enrichissement et du retraitement du combustible (Bilal Y. Saab et Chen Zak Kane, Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists) (6).

La Serbie est le seul pays de l’espace européen à entretenir des relations avec la Russie : la mémoire historique en tant que fait politique est importante. L’équilibre entre les aspirations stratégiques de la Serbie vers l’Union européenne et le lien avec Moscou est fragile (Oleg Barabanov, Valdai Discussion Club) (7).

Le port de Vladivostok présente un intérêt stratégique pour la Chine et l’Inde (Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, RIAC) (8).

La situation politique compliquée au Venezuela, les relations avec les États-Unis, les démarches de l’administration Biden auprès du président Maduro : bien qu’elle puisse agir sur certains leviers importants, comme l’assouplissement des sanctions, Washington ne semble pas avoir de stratégie pour utiliser ces instruments de redémocratisation (Michael McCarthy, The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune) (9).

Pour relever les défis de la production et de la sécurité alimentaires en Afrique, le G20 devrait se concentrer sur cinq lignes d’action prioritaires : la qualité des sols, la gestion de l’eau, les engrais, les semences de qualité et le changement climatique (Eliud Moyi, SAIIA) (10).

L’initiative du Premier ministre indien Modi de faire de l’Union africaine un membre à part entière et permanent du G20 est une question stratégique. C’est une grande opportunité pour l’Afrique d’amplifier sa voix dans la gouvernance économique mondiale. Pour y parvenir, il faut renforcer les capacités techniques et les mécanismes de prise de décision qui permettent une participation significative (Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, SAIIA) (11).

Le groupe de réflexion SIPRI réfléchit au fait qu’au cours des deux prochaines décennies, nous aurons un monde plus complexe, multipolaire et moins occidental, dans lequel les connexions régionales plutôt que mondiales se développeront. Quel sera l’impact de ce scénario sur l’Afrique ? (12).

Un groupe de travail du G20 sur l’action climatique intégrée est nécessaire pour cartographier et enregistrer les recherches, les décisions et les ressources des présidents et des groupes de travail dans un ensemble cohérent afin d’unifier, de rationaliser et d’amplifier les impacts de l’agenda de développement climatique et économique du G20 pour accélérer la création d’emplois, la croissance et la durabilité (Shuva Raha, Prayank Jain, Kinshu Dang et Axel Nordenstam, T20) (13).

(1) How Maldives is adapting to a changing security climate – and where Australia benefits | Lowy Institute

(2) Suspicious minds: Will closer Australia‑Indonesia engagement yield greater trust? | Lowy Institute

(3) Can India Rupture the Semiconductor Market? | The National Interest

(4) From hydrocarbons to hydrogen? Gulf states seek the good oil in green transition | Lowy Institute

(5) Saudis in charge: Managing OPEC+’s unhappy days | Middle East Institute (

(6) Saudi Arabia can alleviate US concerns over its civilian nuclear energy program. Here’s how. – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (

(7) Russia and Serbia in the Modern World — Valdai Club

(8) RIAC :: Russia keen for India’s expanding presence in Vladivostok even as China gains access to port (

(9)  Venezuela’s Deep-Rooted Crisis – The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune (

(10) Building Sustainable Food Production System in Africa: How Can the G20 Assist? – SAIIA

(11) African role in G20 requires more than a seat at the table – SAIIA

(12) Peak China, a declining USA and the future of Africa | SIPRI

(13) Jobs, Growth, and Sustainability: The Case for a G20 Task Force on Integrated Climate Actions | ThinkTwenty (T20) India 2023 – Official Engagement Group of G20 (

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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