Geostrategic magazine (it-en, october 2, 2023)



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Daily from global think tanks

Systemic sustainability (Global trade)

Global trade

Mark Tokola (East Asia Forum) scrive delle implicazioni geopolitiche dell’utilizzo dell’articolo XXI del GATT

Mark Tokola (East Asia Forum) writes about the geopolitical implications of using GATT Article XXI

Working around the Article XXI loophole | East Asia Forum

Bernard Hoekman, Petros C Mavroidis e Douglas Nelson (East Asia Forum) scrivono delle politiche commerciali unilaterali come rischio per la cooperazione globale. Com’è possibile migliorare l’approccio multilaterale ?

Bernard Hoekman, Petros C Mavroidis and Douglas Nelson (East Asia Forum) write about unilateral trade policies as a risk to global cooperation. How can the multilateral approach be improved?

Unilateral policies threaten the global trade order | East Asia Forum

Worlds (China/Afghanistan – G20/Global South – India/Indonesia – Iraq – Nagorno Karabakh – Pacific Islands/Francia/Australia – Poland – Poland/Ukraine – Singapore Strait/Southeast Asia – USA/China – USA/Ukraine)

China – Afghanistan

Harsh V. Pant e Shivam Shekhawat (Observer Research Foundation) scrivono della nomina del nuovo ambasciatore cinese in Afghanistan e delle ragioni geoeconomiche e geopolitiche sottostanti all’impegno di Pechino nel Paese

Harsh V. Pant and Shivam Shekhawat (Observer Research Foundation) write about the appointment of the new Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan and the underlying geo-economic and geopolitical reasons for Beijing’s engagement in the country

China Courts the Taliban | ORF (

G20 – Global South

Yves Tiberghien e Alan Alexandroff (East Asia Forum) scrivono dei risultati del G20 a Presidenza indiana, con un nuovo impulso del Sud globale

Yves Tiberghien and Alan Alexandroff (East Asia Forum) write about the results of the G20 Indian Presidency, with a new impetus from the Global South

Global South rising at India’s G20 extravaganza | East Asia Forum

India – Indonesia

Giulia Ajmone Marsan (East Asia Forum) scrive delle politiche proattive di India e Indonesia nell’innovazione. La forte spinta sull’innovazione è fenomeno globale e l’Autrice si focalizza sui due Paesi che hanno la Presidenza degli ultimi vertici del G20

Giulia Ajmone Marsan (East Asia Forum) writes about India and Indonesia’s proactive policies in innovation. The strong push for innovation is a global phenomenon, and the author focuses on the two countries that held the presidency of the last G20 summits

Indonesian and Indian G20 presidencies champion innovation and entrepreneurship | East Asia Forum


Hamzeh Hadad (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrive della delicata situazione di Kirkuk in Iraq, decisiva per la stabilità dell’intero Paese

Hamzeh Hadad (European Council on Foreign Relations) writes about the delicate situation in Kirkuk in Iraq, decisive for the stability of the whole country

Iraq’s persistent fault line: The dangers of escalating tensions in Kirkuk | ECFR

Nagorno Karabakh

Marie Dumoulin e Gustav Gressel (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrivono della complessità della situazione nel Nagorno Karabakh, dell’atteggiamento dell’Azerbaigian e della necessità di un rinnovato impegno europeo

Marie Dumoulin and Gustav Gressel (European Council on Foreign Relations) write about the complexity of the situation in Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan’s attitude and the need for renewed European engagement

The war of opportunity: How Azerbaijan’s offensive against Nagorno-Karabakh is shifting the geopolitics of the South Caucasus | ECFR

Pacific Islands – France – Australia

Nic Maclellan (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive sulla decisione dell’Assemblea della Polinesia Francese di sottoscrivere il Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Perché Canberra, si domanda l’Autore, dovrebbe schierarsi con Parigi e non con i suoi vicini del Pacifico ?

Nic Maclellan (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the decision of the Assembly of French Polynesia to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Why should Canberra, the author wonders, side with Paris and not with its Pacific neighbours?

French criticism of nuclear ban treaty highlights Canberra’s dilemma | Lowy Institute


Zofia Kostrzewa (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrive delle imminenti elezioni parlamentari in Polonia e di cosa esse rappresentino per i rapporti tra Varsavia e Bruxelles

Zofia Kostrzewa (European Council on Foreign Relations) writes about the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland and what they represent for relations between Warsaw and Brussels

Hanging in the balance: How the Polish far-right could swing the next election | ECFR

Poland – Ukraine

Piotr Buras (European Council on Foreign Relations) scrive a proposito delle relazioni tra Polonia e Ucraina e sulle difficoltà in corso tra importazione del grano e fornitura di armamenti. Buras riflette sulle prospettive strategiche dei rapporti tra i due Paesi, anche considerando le prossime elezioni parlamentari in Polonia

Piotr Buras (European Council on Foreign Relations) writes about Polish-Ukrainian relations and the ongoing difficulties between grain imports and arms supplies. Buras reflects on the strategic prospects of relations between the two countries, also considering the upcoming parliamentary elections in Poland

Rifts and realities: The strained bond between Poland and Ukraine | ECFR

Singapore Strait – Southeast Asia

Jade Lindley e Dhiyaul Aulia Huda (Lowy The Interpreter) scrivono dell’aumento della pirateria marittima nello Stretto di Singapore e nel Sud Est Asiatico e dei legami del fenomeno criminale con la pandemia da Covid-19

Jade Lindley and Dhiyaul Aulia Huda (Lowy The Interpreter) write about the rise of maritime piracy in the Singapore Strait and South East Asia and the criminal phenomenon’s links to the Covid-19 pandemic

The surprising link between piracy and Covid-19 | Lowy Institute

USA – China

Sourabh Gupta (East Asia Forum) scrive dei rapporti tra Washington e Pechino e sottolinea come sia fondamentale che i due Paesi condividano le loro prospettive divergenti all’interno di un quadro di riferimento stabile

Sourabh Gupta (East Asia Forum) writes about the relationship between Washington and Beijing and emphasises how crucial it is that the two countries share their divergent perspectives within a stable framework

A new way forward for US–China relations | East Asia Forum

USA – Ukraine

Adam Simpson (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive dei progressivi vantaggi della controffensiva ucraina mentre, a Washington, si affermano posizioni politiche contrarie a continuare a sostenere massicciamente Kiev

Adam Simpson (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the progressive gains of the Ukrainian counteroffensive while, in Washington, political positions against continuing to massively support Kiev are being established

Ukraine counteroffensive makes gains but dark clouds loom in Washington | Lowy Institute

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