Geostrategic magazine (ita-eng-fr, 24 maggio 2023 pm)

Prospettive dai think tank – Perspectives from think tanks – Perspectives des think tanks



Prabhash Ranjan (ORF) scrive sul problema della protezione degli investimenti indiani all’estero, nello Sri Lanka e a livello globale – Prabhash Ranjan (ORF) writes on the issue of protecting Indian investments abroad, in Sri Lanka and globally – Prabhash Ranjan (ORF) écrit sur la question de la protection des investissements indiens à l’étranger, au Sri Lanka et dans le monde – Indian capitalism and bilateral investment treaties | ORF (

India – European Union

Ankita Dutta (ORF) scrive che India e Unione europea hanno tenuto, il 16 maggio 2023, la prima riunione del Trade and Technology Council. Si tratta di un’occasione per rafforzare la loro partnership strategica – Ankita Dutta (ORF) writes that India and the European Union held the first meeting of the Trade and Technology Council on 16 May 2023. This is an opportunity to strengthen their strategic partnership – Ankita Dutta (ORF) écrit que l’Inde et l’Union européenne ont tenu la première réunion du Trade and Technology Council le 16 mai 2023. C’est l’occasion de renforcer leur partenariat stratégique – India–EU TTC meet: Amping up the strategic partnership | ORF (

Indo – Pacific

William Alberque (IISS) scrive che qualsiasi conflitto nell’ Indo-Pacifico, per quanto piccolo, avrà una dimensione nucleare – William Alberque (IISS) writes that any conflict in the Indo-Pacific, however small, will have a nuclear dimension – William Alberque (IISS) écrit que tout conflit dans l’Indo-Pacifique, aussi petit soit-il, aura une dimension nucléaire – The growing nuclear dimensions of regional security in the Indo-Pacific (

Israel – Iran – Hizbullah

Jacques Neriah (JCPA) scrive che il 22 maggio 2023, Aharon Haliva, capo della direzione dell’intelligence militare dell’IDF, ha avvertito che il conflitto tra Israele e Iran sta diventando sempre più diretto. “Le possibilità di un’escalation che potrebbe sfociare in una guerra non sono basse”, ha detto. Per il segretario generale di Hizbullah, Nasrallah, è probabile un’escalation al confine tra Israele e Libano – Jacques Neriah (JCPA) writes that on 22 May 2023, Aharon Haliva, head of the IDF’s military intelligence directorate, warned that the conflict between Israel and Iran is becoming increasingly direct. “The chances of an escalation that could result in war are not low”, he said. For Hizbullah secretary general Nasrallah, escalation on the border between Israel and Lebanon is likely – Jacques Neriah (JCPA) écrit que le 22 mai 2023, Aharon Haliva, chef de la direction du renseignement militaire de Tsahal, a averti que le conflit entre Israël et l’Iran devenait de plus en plus direct. “Les chances d’une escalade qui pourrait déboucher sur une guerre ne sont pas faibles”, a-t-il déclaré. Pour le secrétaire général du Hezbollah, M. Nasrallah, une escalade à la frontière entre Israël et le Liban est probable – Israel’s Top Military Officers Warn of Conflict with Hizbullah (


Harun Karčić (RUSI) scrive del ruolo strategico del Kazakistan che cerca di trovare una propria via. Il Paese è il principale partner commerciale della Cina in Asia centrale – Harun Karčić (RUSI) writes about Kazakhstan’s strategic role as it tries to find its own way. The country is China’s main trading partner in Central Asia – Harun Karčić (RUSI) écrit sur le rôle stratégique du Kazakhstan, qui tente de trouver sa propre voie. Le pays est le principal partenaire commercial de la Chine en Asie centrale – Kazakhstan is Forging Its Own Path | Royal United Services Institute (


Duncan Allan (Chatham House) immagina il futuro della Russia dopo Putin – Duncan Allan (Chatham House) imagines Russia’s future after Putin – Duncan Allan (Chatham House) imagine l’avenir de la Russie après Poutine – Imagining Russia’s future after Putin | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Russia – Iran – Israel

Danny Citrinowicz scrive dell’intensificazione dei rapporti bilaterali tra Mosca e Teheran. Israele deve ripensare ai suoi legami con la Russia – Danny Citrinowicz writes about the intensification of bilateral relations between Moscow and Tehran. Israel must rethink its ties with Russia – Danny Citrinowicz évoque l’intensification des relations bilatérales entre Moscou et Téhéran. Israël doit repenser ses liens avec la Russie – Deepening Economic and Security Ties between Russia and Iran | INSS

Russia – Lebanon

Aurora Ortega e Matthew Levitt (RUSI) scrivono dell’estensione del raggio di azione di Mosca in Libano e dei suoi legami con Hizbullah – Aurora Ortega and Matthew Levitt (RUSI) write about the extension of Moscow’s reach into Lebanon and its links with Hizbullah – Aurora Ortega et Matthew Levitt (RUSI) écrivent sur l’extension de la portée de Moscou au Liban et ses liens avec le Hezbollah – Hizbullah and Russia’s Nascent Alliance | Royal United Services Institute (


Abhishek Mishra e Kshipra Vasudeo (ORF) scrivono della drammatica situazione in Sudan, realtà molto importante dal punto di vista geopolitico: all’intersezione tra i mondi arabo e africano, il Sudan ha  una costa di 853 km che costeggia il Mar Rosso, attraverso il quale passa più del 10% del commercio mondiale e al quale la Russia guarda con grande interesse – Abhishek Mishra and Kshipra Vasudeo (ORF) write about the dramatic situation in Sudan, a very important reality from a geopolitical point of view: at the intersection of the Arab and African worlds, Sudan has an 853 km coastline bordering the Red Sea, through which more than 10% of world trade passes and which Russia looks at with great interest – Abhishek Mishra et Kshipra Vasudeo (ORF) évoquent la situation dramatique du Soudan, une réalité très importante d’un point de vue géopolitique : à l’intersection des mondes arabe et africain, le Soudan dispose d’un littoral de 853 km bordant la mer Rouge, par laquelle transite plus de 10 % du commerce mondial et que la Russie regarde avec beaucoup d’intérêt – Understanding Sudan’s civil war | ORF (

Un panel di Chatham House analizza le dinamiche del drammatico  scontro in atto in Sudan e le possibili soluzioni – A Chatham House panel analyses the dynamics of the ongoing dramatic clash in Sudan and possible solutions – Un groupe d’experts de Chatham House analyse la dynamique de l’affrontement dramatique en cours au Soudan et les solutions possibles – War in Sudan: Perspectives and prospects for resolution (


Gallia Lindenstrauss  e Remi Daniel (INSS) scrivono delle elezioni presidenziali in Turchia, dell’affermazione di Erdogan e dell’importanza della politica identitaria. Il secondo turno è previsto il 28 maggio – Gallia Lindenstrauss and Remi Daniel (INSS) write about the presidential elections in Turkey, Erdogan’s assertion and the importance of identity politics. The second round is scheduled for 28 May – Gallia Lindenstrauss et Remi Daniel (INSS) écrivent sur les élections présidentielles en Turquie, l’affirmation d’Erdogan et l’importance des politiques identitaires. Le second tour est prévu pour le 28 mai – Erdogan’s Momentum: Toward the Turkish Presidential Runoff | INSS

USA – Saudi Arabia

Il think tank Rasanah riflette sull’evoluzione dei rapporti tra USA e Arabia Saudita –  The think tank Rasanah reflects on the evolution of relations between the US and Saudi Arabia – Le think tank Rasanah se penche sur l’évolution des relations entre les États-Unis et l’Arabie Saoudite – US Efforts to Recalibrate Its Relations With Arab Actors: Evolution and Outcomes | International Institute for Iranian Studies (


Climate action

Un report di ORF sottolinea l’urgenza di impegnarsi, in ambito G20, per la creazione di un ecosistema completo di dati climatici che permetta di individuare soluzioni adeguate utilizzando tecniche avanzate di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico per informare il processo decisionale – An ORF report emphasises the urgency of efforts at the G20 to create a comprehensive climate data ecosystem that enables appropriate solutions using advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to inform decision making – Un rapport de l’ORF souligne l’urgence des efforts déployés par le G20 pour créer un écosystème complet de données sur le climat qui permette de trouver des solutions appropriées en utilisant des techniques avancées d’intelligence artificielle et d’apprentissage automatique pour éclairer la prise de décision – Building a Climate Data Ecosystem for Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure and Societies | ORF (

Global currencies

Aditya Bhan (ORF) scrive delle difficoltà per il gruppo dei BRICS di avere una valuta comune e di avviare un processo di ‘de-dollarizzazione’ – Aditya Bhan (ORF) writes about the difficulties for the BRICS group to have a common currency and to start a process of ‘de-dollarisation’ – Aditya Bhan (ORF) évoque les difficultés rencontrées par le groupe des BRICS pour se doter d’une monnaie commune et entamer un processus de ‘dédollarisation’ – Is the BRICS currency another non-starter? | ORF (

Marco Emanuele
Marco Emanuele è appassionato di cultura della complessità, cultura della tecnologia e relazioni internazionali. Approfondisce il pensiero di Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. Marco ha insegnato Evoluzione della Democrazia e Totalitarismi, è l’editor di The Global Eye e scrive per The Science of Where Magazine. Marco Emanuele is passionate about complexity culture, technology culture and international relations. He delves into the thought of Hannah Arendt, Edgar Morin, Raimon Panikkar. He has taught Evolution of Democracy and Totalitarianisms. Marco is editor of The Global Eye and writes for The Science of Where Magazine.

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