Tag: Forbes

Artificial Intelligence: How Business Leaders Can Tap Into Their Blue Sky Opportunities (Anita Samojednik, Forbes)

The pandemic forced the hands of many executives who had previously hesitated to sponsor transformation; many leaders needed a disruptive event like this to...

Reach Or Reality: Can Converged Manufacturing Data Save Supply Chains? (Dan Gamota, Forbes)

Is it a reach or reality to think that sharing the best thinking from manufacturing stakeholders in information technology (IT), operations technology (OT) and...

Three Ways Virtual Reality Is Revolutionizing Corporate Learning (Stephen Baer, Forbes)

Although we might still be a long way from dialing into the Matrix, virtual reality has evolved significantly since Heilig’s Sensorama in the 1960s, and it...

TechInnovation – Come un hub dell’Alto Adige vuole diventare il faro europeo di computer vision e machine learning (Forbes)

Piera Anna Franini Investimento di partenza: 2,5 milioni di euro. Obiettivo ultimo: diventare il faro europeo nella computer vision e machine learning. Su queste basi Covision...

(Pandemic/Innovation/Technology) COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation – here’s how companies can adapt (Forbes,WEF)

Ben Crawford Studies show that the pandemic has led to a 20% surge in total internet usage. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/covid-19-accelerated-digital-transformation-how-companies-can-adapt/

(Climate Change) How 5 pivots in 2 industries can trigger net-zero pathways in 2021 (Jonathan Eckart, Mathy Stanislaus, Forbes, WEF)

Following big climate target announcements last year by major greenhouse gas-emitting countries, significant headway must be made in 2021. Transport and power sectors...