Tag: Global Policy

Solar Geoengineering – Solar Geoengineering at a Standstill? (Global Policy)

Joshua B. Horton Solar geoengineering (or solar radiation modification)—the idea of reflecting small amounts of incoming sunlight back to space to partially offset climate change—occupies...

Germany/Afghanistan – Germany’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan puts its Security Policy Back at Square One (Global Policy)

Image: Ninara via Flickr (CC BY 2.0) On 29 June 2021, a press release announcing that the last German soldiers were leaving Afghanistan coincided with the German team leaving the confusingly...

Global – Ending hunger and poverty are the top priorities for global public (Douglas Broom, WEF)

Image: World Economic Forum-Ipsos Stop hunger, poverty, improve health - what most people want | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

PANDEMIC/VACCINE – Vaccine Chimeras (Manjari Mahajan, Global Policy)

The overwhelming prioritization of vaccines takes attention and resources away from the complex political, social and infrastructural investments that underlie a resilient public health...

BRAZIL – Between Two Epidemics: Coronavirus and Inequality in Brazil – A Conversation with GGF 2035 Fellow Felipe Oriá (Felipe Oriá, Global Policy)

This interview was conducted by the Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues, which brings together young professionals to look ahead 15...